Ginge. |
Just to inform you my Dad never actually did any of that- He did however run (YES-run) down my street (When i was a kid lifting up gutter lids so someone might fall down- Which also happened to me once. Funnily enough it hurt alot and almost ended with my leg in a cast) dressed as Mario. Me and my brother ran off with our chums and nodded our heads in agreement when they all dubbed this 'stranger' as a weirdo.
That also reminds me of another time when my Grandpa came to pick me up from primary school. EVERYONE knows parents wait outside for you, i mean i think its physically impossible for them to get inside the school without signing in or whatnot BUT oh no not my Grandpa. He barged his way into my class and shouted over everyone 'DAISY! Your coming home with me!'
'Whos that?' Said Emma Nicholson
'No idea.. Do you think i should go home with him?'
I <3 Parents.
Anyway back to Spice Girls. Does anyone bar me even remember the short stocked Spice Girls crisps? My favourite were cheese and chive, but i was informed there were no such crisps so now i think i may of dreamed it, maybes i did actually because i dont like cheese and chive usually.
I want your family! No wonder you are like you are, and I love it ^^